In the foreground of a room or shop, several wooden boxes on their edges display skeins of yarn of many colours


People engaging and interacting at FibreFest with various stalls and handmade items on display.

30th Annual Fibrefest: September 6-7, 2025

Vendor applications are now open. Be part of Almonte’s 30th Fibrefest! Last year, we filled the John Levi Community Centre with over 80 vendors and 2500+ visitors.

Get in touch

The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum’s annual Fibrefest event is one of the longest running and largest of its kind in Canada. It is a fundraising event for the museum, and aims to promote Canadian fibre artisans and artists.

Consider becoming a sponsor or donor to Fibrefest. Get in touch by contacting Michael Rikley-Lancaster at [email protected] or calling 613-256-3754