Become a member

Unravel history and weave community with us! Join our annual membership for exclusive benefits and support the MVTM.

Use the form below to buy, renew, or gift a membership.

Questions? Contact Laila Hack.

Membership Levels


  • Member’s only biannual e-newsletter- get the inside scoop on the MVTM!
  • Annual member appreciation night! Get an exclusive tour of the featured exhibit and mingle with staff, Board, and fellow members.
  • 10% discount on MVTM workshops (exclusive to MVTM-facilitated workshops, not inclusive of Fibrefest or partnered workshops)
  • Free Fibrefest admission
  • Eligibility to vote at election of Directors at our Annual General Meeting

All the benefits of an Individual membership for you and your plus one!

  • Member’s only biannual e-newsletter- get the inside scoop on the MVTM!
  • Annual member appreciation night! You and your plus one will get an exclusive tour of the featured exhibit and mingle with staff, Board, and fellow members.
  • 10% discount on MVTM workshops for you and your plus one (exclusive to MVTM-facilitated workshops, not inclusive of Fibrefest or partnered workshops)
  • 2 Free Fibrefest admissions
  • Eligibility to vote at election of Directors at our Annual General Meeting


  • Your business logo and website link on the MVTM’s website, visited by 25,000 visitors per month!
  • Member’s only biannual e-newsletter- get the inside scoop on the MVTM!
  • 3 spots at our annual member appreciation night! Get an exclusive tour of the featured exhibit and mingle with staff, Board, and fellow members.
  • 10% discount on MVTM workshops for 3 spots (exclusive to MVTM-facilitated workshops, not inclusive of Fibrefest or partnered workshops)
  • 3 Free Fibrefest admissions
  • Access to hundreds of museums and galleries in North America by receiving North American Reciprocal Museum Association benefits
  • Eligibility to vote at election of Directors at our Annual General Meeting

Buy, Renew, or Gift a Membership

Complete the form below to buy, renew, or gift a membership. Please select the membership type and, if this purchase is a gift, enter their name at the bottom of the form. Thank you!